Head over to the IRS website & follow the instructions to grab an EIN for your business here

Follow the screen shots below for a step by step rundown of how to get your EIN.

2020-01-08 11_07_30-Apply for an Employer Identification Number EIN Online _ Internal Revenue Servic.png

Click begin application and answer the question on the following screen.

step 1.png

Most of our clients will be choosing the Sole Proprietor option, if you have any questions feel free to email or call us.

step 2.png
step 3.png
step 4.png
step 5.png
step 7.png
step 9.png

Most clients starting out will be checking no for all of these boxes, however if you think your situation is different feel free to reach out to us with any questions as we may recommend a different entity option.

step 11.png

IMPOrtant: select “receive Letter Online” and a pdf will be automatically generated.

Make sure you save it in the cloud. Save it in your files, email it to yourself, email it to us, upload it to the vault, print it out, put it on your fridge (kidding), etc.

It’s very difficult to get the number again if you lose this pdf.

step 12.png